
We have a brand new blog!

Did you know that we have just launched a new blog? Visit this page to learn some helpful tips and tricks for studying and living in Serbia!

If you are indecisive about whether you should study in Serbia or not, check out our post about 5 reasons to study in our country. If you goal is to live in a very affordable country, experience amazing student life and get a high-quality education, make sure to read the post carefully! You will learn a lot of new things about Serbia and discover why moving to Serbia should be your next step!

You made the decision to study in Serbia but you do not know in which city? Do not worry, we got you covered! Check out our short blog about the 4 biggest university cities in Serbia so you can easily decide which one suits you the best. If you like big and vibrant cities, Belgrade could be your choice. However, if you are more into a cozy vibe of a smaller city, go for Niš, Novi Sad or Kragujevac. Whichever city you choose, you will not be disappointed because they are all amazing! Finally, do not miss the chance to learn more about Study in Serbia by checking our website.


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