Parent institutionUniversity of Belgrade
Institution typeFaculty
RegionBelgrade District
Established in1945

Last accreditation in 2020 by National Entity for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education of Serbia - NEAQA
Previous accreditation in 2013 and 2008 by the Commission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance


ProgrammeTypeEducation levelDurationLanguages
PHARMACYAcademicDoctorate3 yearsEnglish and Serbian
BIOCHEMICAL DIAGNOSTICSAcademicSpecialist studies3 semestersSerbian
BIOLOGICAL DRUGSAcademicSpecialist studiesup to 1 yearSerbian
COSMETOLOGYAcademicSpecialist studiesup to 1 yearEnglish and Serbian
INDUSTRIAL PHARMACYAcademicSpecialist studiesup to 1 yearSerbian
PHARMACEUTICAL ECONOMY AND LEGISLATIVEAcademicSpecialist studiesup to 1 yearSerbian
PHARMACEUTICAL HEALTHCAREAcademicSpecialist studies3 semestersEnglish and Serbian
PHARMACEUTICAL MANAGEMENT AND MARKETINGAcademicSpecialist studiesup to 1 yearEnglish and Serbian
PHARMACOTHERAPYAcademicSpecialist studies3 semestersSerbian
RELEASE OF MEDICINAL PRODUCTS ON THE MARKETAcademicSpecialist studiesup to 1 yearSerbian
TOXICOLOGICAL RISK ASSESMENTAcademicSpecialist studiesup to 1 yearSerbian
PHARMACYAcademicIntegrated studies5 yearsEnglish and Serbian
PHARMACY - MEDICAL BIOCHEMISTRYAcademicIntegrated studies5 yearsSerbian

Source of info:

Institution's website

National Entity for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education of Serbia - NEAQA

University of Belgrade

Faculty of Pharmacy

Farmaceutski fakultet
Војводе Степе 450
11221 Beograd
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