Programme | Type | Ниво | |
PHARMACYEnglish Serbian 3 years | Academic | Doctorate | |
PHARMACYSerbian 5 years | Academic | Integrated studies | |
PHARMACYSerbian 3 years | Applied | Bachelor | |
PHARMACYEnglish Serbian 5 years | Academic | Integrated studies | |
PHARMACYEnglish Serbian 5 years | Academic | Integrated studies | |
PHARMACYEnglish Serbian 5 years | Academic | Integrated studies | |
PHARMACYEnglish Serbian 5 years | Academic | Integrated studies | |
PHARMACYSerbian 3 years | Academic | Doctorate | |
PHARMACYSerbian up to 1 year | Academic | Specialist studies | |
PHARMACYSerbian 5 years | Academic | Integrated studies | |
PHARMACYSerbian 5 years | Academic | Integrated studies | |
PHARMACYEnglish Serbian 5 years | Academic | Integrated studies | |
PHARMACY - MEDICAL BIOCHEMISTRYEnglish Serbian 5 years | Academic | Integrated studies | |
PHARMACY - MEDICAL BIOCHEMISTRYSerbian 5 years | Academic | Integrated studies | |
PhD IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTSSerbian 3 years | Academic | Doctorate | |
PHILOLOGYSerbian 3 years | Academic | Doctorate | |
PHILOLOGY (LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE) (2 MODULES)Serbian 3 years | Academic | Doctorate | |
PHILOSOPHYSerbian up to 1 year | Academic | Master | |
PHILOSOPHYSerbian up to 1 year | Academic | Master | |
PHILOSOPHYSerbian 3 years | Academic | Doctorate | |
PHILOSOPHYSerbian 3 years | Academic | Doctorate | |
PHILOSOPHYSerbian 4 years | Academic | Bachelor | |
PHILOSOPHYSerbian up to 1 year | Academic | Master | |
PHILOSOPHYSerbian 4 years | Academic | Bachelor | |
PHILOSOPHYSerbian 4 years | Academic | Bachelor |