Programme | Type | Ниво | |
RUKOVALAC – MEHANIČAR POLjOPRIVREDNE TEHNIKESerbian 3 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
RUKOVALAC – MEHANIČAR POLjOPRIVREDNE TEHNIKESerbian 3 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
RUKOVALAC MEHANIZACIJOM U POVRŠINSKOJ EKSPLOATACIJISerbian 3 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
RUKOVALAC POSTROJENjIMA ZA DOBIJANjE NAFTE I GASASerbian 3 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
RUKOVALAC SREDSTVIMA UNUTRAŠNjEG TRANSPORTASerbian 3 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
RUSSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURESerbian Russian 4 years | Academic | Bachelor | |
RUSSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURESerbian Russian up to 1 year | Academic | Master | |
SAFETY AT WORKSerbian 4 years | Academic | Bachelor | |
SAFETY MANAGEMENTSerbian 4 years | Academic | Bachelor | |
SAFETY MANAGEMENTSerbian 4 years | Academic | Bachelor | |
SAFETY RISK MANAGEMENT OF NATURAL DISASTERSSerbian up to 1 year | Academic | Master | |
SANITARNO – EKOLOŠKI TEHNIČARSerbian 4 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
SANITARNO – EKOLOŠKI TEHNIČARSerbian 4 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
SANITARNO – EKOLOŠKI TEHNIČARSerbian 4 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
SANITARY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERSerbian 2 years | Applied | Master | |
SANITARY ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERSerbian 3 years | Applied | Bachelor | |
SANITARY ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERSerbian 2 years | Applied | Master | |
SANITARY-ECOLOGIC ENGINEERSerbian up to 1 year | Applied | Specialist studies | |
SANITARY-ECOLOGIC ENGINEERSerbian 3 years | Applied | Bachelor | |
SANITARY-ECOLOGIC ENGINEERSerbian up to 1 year | Applied | Specialist studies | |
SAOBRAĆAJNO-TRANSPORTNI TEHNIČARSerbian 4 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
SAOBRAĆAJNO-TRANSPORTNI TEHNIČARSerbian 4 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
SAOBRAĆAJNO-TRANSPORTNI TEHNIČARSerbian 4 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
SCENSKI MASKER I VLASULjARSerbian | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
SECURITYSerbian up to 1 year | Academic | Master |