Programme | Type | Ниво | |
CVEĆAR – VRTLARSerbian 3 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
CVEĆAR – VRTLARSerbian 3 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
CVEĆAR – VRTLARSerbian 3 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
DATA SCIENCESerbian up to 1 year | Academic | Master | |
DEFENCE MANAGEMENTSerbian up to 1 year | Academic | Specialist studies | |
DEFENSE ECONOMICSSerbian up to 1 year | Academic | Master | |
DEFENSE ECONOMICSSerbian 4 years | Academic | Bachelor | |
DEFENSE MANAGEMENTSerbian 4 years | Academic | Bachelor | |
DEFENSE MANAGEMENTSerbian up to 1 year | Academic | Master | |
DEFENSE MANAGEMENT DLSerbian 4 years | Academic | Bachelor | |
DEKORATER ZIDNIH POVRŠINASerbian 3 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
DEKORATER ZIDNIH POVRŠINASerbian 3 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
DEKORATER ZIDNIH POVRŠINASerbian 3 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
DEKORATER ZIDNIH POVRŠINASerbian 3 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
DEKORATER ZIDNIH POVRŠINASerbian 3 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
DEKORATER ZIDNIH POVRŠINASerbian 3 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
DEKORATER ZIDNIH POVRŠINASerbian 3 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
DEMOGRAPHYSerbian 4 years | Academic | Bachelor | |
DEMOGRAPHYSerbian up to 1 year | Academic | Master | |
DENTAL MEDICINEEnglish Serbian 6 years | Academic | Integrated studies | |
DENTAL PROSTHETICIANSerbian 3 years | Applied | Bachelor | |
DENTAL PROSTHETICIANSerbian 3 years | Applied | Bachelor | |
DENTISTRYSerbian 5 years | Academic | Integrated studies | |
DENTISTRYSerbian up to 1 year | Academic | Specialist studies | |
DENTISTRYSerbian 3 years | Academic | Doctorate |