Programme | Type | Ниво | |
ELEKTROTEHNIČAR TELEKOMUNIKACIJASerbian 4 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
ELEKTROTEHNIČAR ZA ELEKTRONIKU NA VOZILIMASerbian 4 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
ELEKTROTEHNIČAR ZA ELEKTRONIKU NA VOZILIMASerbian 4 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
ELEKTROTEHNIČAR ZA ELEKTRONIKU NA VOZILIMASerbian 4 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
ELEKTROTEHNIČAR ZA ELEKTRONIKU NA VOZILIMASerbian 4 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
ELEKTROTEHNIČAR ZA ELEKTRONIKU NA VOZILIMASerbian 4 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
ELEKTROTEHNIČAR ZA ELEKTRONIKU NA VOZILIMASerbian 4 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
ELEKTROTEHNIČAR ZA ELEKTRONIKU NA VOZILIMASerbian 4 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
ELEKTROTEHNIČAR ZA ELEKTRONIKU NA VOZILIMASerbian 4 years | Artistic secondary education | Secondary | |
ELEKTROTEHNIČAR ZA ELEKTRONIKU NA VOZILIMASerbian 4 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
ELEKTROTEHNIČAR ZA ELEKTRONIKU NA VOZILIMASerbian 4 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
ELEKTROTEHNIČAR ZA TERMIČKE I RASHLADNE UREĐAJESerbian 4 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
ELEKTROTEHNIČAR ZA TERMIČKE I RASHLADNE UREĐAJESerbian 4 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
ELEKTROTEHNIČAR ZA TERMIČKE I RASHLADNE UREĐAJESerbian 4 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
ELEKTROTEHNIČAR ZA TERMIČKE I RASHLADNE UREĐAJESerbian 4 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
ELEKTROTEHNIČAR ZA TERMIČKE I RASHLADNE UREĐAJESerbian 4 years | Vocational secondary education | Secondary | |
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENTSerbian up to 1 year | Academic | Master | |
ENERGETICS AND PROCESS TECHNOLOGYEnglish Serbian 4 years | Academic | Bachelor | |
ENERGETICS AND PROCESS TECHNOLOGYEnglish Serbian up to 1 year | Academic | Master | |
ENERGETICS, ELECTRONICS, AND TELECOMMUNICATIONSEnglish Serbian 4 years | Academic | Bachelor | |
ENERGETICS, ELECTRONICS, AND TELECOMMUNICATIONSEnglish Serbian up to 1 year | Academic | Master | |
ENERGETICS, ELECTRONICS, AND TELECOMMUNICATIONSEnglish Serbian 3 years | Academic | Doctorate | |
ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND CLEAN ENERGYSerbian 3 years | Applied | Bachelor | |
ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND CLEAN ENERGYSerbian up to 1 year | Applied | Specialist studies | |
ENERGY EFFICIENCY, BUILDING MAINTENANCE AND VALUATIONSerbian up to 1 year | Academic | Specialist studies |