NCO Serbia invites students from CEEPUS countries to apply for mobility for 2019/20
NCO Serbia invites interested students from Albania, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia to apply for CEEPUS mobility in Serbia. Deadlines are: 31st October for applications within CEEPUS networks and 30 November for freemover mobilities.
Interested students from participating institutions from the abovementioned countries are welcome to apply for mobility in Serbia via the CEEPUS online platform. Full list of CEEPUS networks for 2019/20. and its participating institutions is available here.
Students can apply for credit mobility (longer than 3 months), thesis research visits (up to 3 months) or short-term excursions organized by participating institutions within CEEPUS networks (up to 6 days, e.g. summer school), whereas academic staff can apply for teaching activities in amount of at least 6 hours per working week (stays range from 5 working days usually up to 1 month). More detailed information regarding the program and its implementation in Serbia is available on NCO Serbia website and the country section at CEEPUS platform.