
First language training conducted within the initiative "Internationalization of Higher Education Institutions in the Republic of Serbia"

In cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, the Tempus Foundation is implementing an initiative aimed at the internationalization of higher education institutions in the Republic of Serbia, as a part of Study in Serbia initiative.

As one of the priorities in this area is to encourage the implementation of study programs and courses in foreign languages, primarily English, for foreign students, the first step was to organize tailored training for English language teachers - future trainers in this field.

The training was held between September 10 and 13 at the premises of the Tempus Foundation, attended by representatives of the University of Belgrade, Novi Sad, Kragujevac and Niš. The lecturers in the training were eminent experts in the field of English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) - Ernesto Macaro and Mark Searle (University of Oxford) and Mary Page (University of Southampton). The participants had the opportunity to work on improving the teaching methodology in their work with foreign students in English language. The trained lecturers will continue to be engaged in the education of the colleagues from their home universities, who teach within different academic fields.


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