
Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism

Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja is located in one of the most popular spas in Serbia and offers study programmes in tourism and hotel management.

Parent institutionUniversity of Kragujevac
Institution typeFaculty
RegionRaška District
Established in2011

Last accreditation in 2021 by the National Entity for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education of Serbia - NEAQA.
Previous accreditation cycle: 2013.


ProgrammeTypeEducation levelDurationLanguages
GASTRONOMY MANAGEMENTAcademicBachelor4 yearsSerbian
HOTEL MANAGEMENT AND TOURISMAcademicBachelor4 yearsSerbian
HEALTH TOURISMAcademicMasterup to 1 yearSerbian
HOTEL MANAGEMENTAcademicMasterup to 1 yearSerbian
TOURISM MANAGEMENTAcademicMasterup to 1 yearSerbian
HOTEL AND TOURISM MANAGEMENTAcademicDoctorate3 yearsSerbian

Source of info:

Institution's website
Comission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance Guide for Students

University of Kragujevac

Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism

Fakultet za hotelijerstvo i turizam
Војвођанска 5а
36210 Vrnjačka Banja
+381(0)36/515 00 24