
The Faculty of Economics Subotica offers four-year (eight-semester) undergraduate studies within nine curricula: Agro-Economics and Agro-Business; European Economics and Business; Finance, Banking and Insurance; Quantitative Economics; Marketing; Management; Business Information Systems; Accounting and Auditing; and Trade. Master’s studies are organized within ten curricula, whereas the doctoral students can enrol within three curricula: Economics, Management and Business, and Business Informatics.

This accredited higher education institution within the University of Novi Sad is about to celebrate its 53th anniversary. Over this period, the Faculty has made a unique and recognizable impact on the quality of life in the region, contributing to the education of economists, managers and management information system experts. Its strategic orientation is to focus equally on developing educational, scientific, research, expertise and consulting activities. The instruction has been conducted at three venues – at the Faculty's main premises in Subotica, and the Novi Sad and Bujanovac Branch. The Faculty of Economics Subotica aims to build a significant position on the scientific, research and educational maps of not only Serbia, but also South-East and Central Europe. In achieving this goal, internationalization is a key priority, which is evident from numerous agreements on bilateral cooperation with universities and faculties on virtually all continents.

Over the past 53 years, more than 14,000 students have received Bachelor's degrees under the four-year curriculum, plus about 450 graduates under the three-year curriculum. More than 500 master's theses were defended. The Faculty of Economics has conferred PhD degrees on over 300 candidates who completed their doctoral studies and defended their dissertations at this institution.The Faculty of Economics Subotica offers four-year (eight-semester) undergraduate studies within nine curricula: Agro-Economics and Agro-Business; European Economics and Business; Finance, Banking and Insurance; Quantitative Economics; Marketing; Management; Business Information Systems; Accounting and Auditing; and Trade. Master’s studies are organized within ten curricula, whereas the doctoral students can enrol within three curricula: Economics, Management and Business, and Business Informatics.

Parent institutionUniversity of Novi Sad
Institution typeFaculty
RegionNorth Bačka District
Established in1960

Last accreditation in 2021 by the National Entity for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education of Serbia - NEAQA.
Previous accreditation cycles: 2014, 2008.


Institution titleCity

Faculty of Economics, Subotica - unit in Bujanovac


Faculty of Economics - unit in Novi Sad

Branch unit in Novi Sad
Novi Sad


ProgrammeTypeEducation levelDurationLanguages
BUSINESS INFORMATICSAppliedBachelor4 yearsSerbian
ECONOMICSAcademicBachelor4 yearsEnglish and Serbian
ACCOUNTANCY AND AUDITAcademicMasterup to 1 yearSerbian
AGRO-BUSINESS MANAGEMENTAcademicMasterup to 1 yearSerbian
BUSINESS INFORMATICSAcademicMasterup to 1 yearSerbian
DIGITAL MARKETINGAcademicMasterup to 1 yearSerbian
FINANCIAL AND BANKING MANAGEMENTAcademicMasterup to 1 yearSerbian
HR MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIPAcademicMasterup to 1 yearSerbian
INTERNATIONL ECONOMY AND BUSINESSAcademicMasterup to 1 yearSerbian
MULTICHANNEL TRADEAcademicMasterup to 1 yearSerbian
BUSINESS INFORMATICSAcademicDoctorate3 yearsSerbian
ECONOMICSAcademicDoctorate3 yearsSerbian

Source of info:

National Entity for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education of Serbia - NEAQA

University of Novi Sad

Faculty of Economics

Ekonomski fakultet u Subotici
Сегедински пут 9 - 11
24000 Subotica